Author Spotlight – Historical Romance Author Meredith Bond

Meredith Bond Author Spotlight

August 19, 2015

This week on Duchess of Romance, I’d like to introduce you to Award-winning author, Meredith Bond.

About the Author LOB

meredith bond photo

​​Meredith Bond’s books straddle that beautiful line between historical romance and fantasy. An award-winning author, she writes fun traditional Regency romances, medieval Arthurian romances, and Regency romances with a touch of magic. Known for her characters “who slip readily into one’s heart,” Meredith loves to take her readers on a journey they won’t soon forget. ​Merry has two ​newly ​independent children and a loving, supportive husband​ and is currently enjoying the wonders of an empty next.​

Social Links LOB




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or email me directly at I love hearing from readers and will always write back.​

My Interview with Meredith

  1. Describe a typical writing day. Are you a morning, afternoon, or night-owl writer?

I do my best writing in the afternoon. I don’t know why but my most creative time is usually 3-7pm. I have to set an alarm so that I remember to stop working to make dinner for my family.

  1. Can you tell us about your current work-in-progress?

I’m desperately trying to finish up rewriting the last book in the Merry Men Quartet. It was originally published by Zebra Books as Wooing Miss Whately, but I have to admit that when I reread the book I didn’t like my heroine at all! I’m, therefore, completely rewriting her character to make her someone who I’d like to be friends with.

It’s a fun book – sort of a comedy in that everyone has a secret they’re keeping from everyone else. It leads to all sorts of problems and involves a lot of sneaking around, but it’s tricky to write—I have to remember who knows what when and how they’d react not knowing what others know. Lol!

  1. What inspires you when you’re writing? A good story and interesting characters. I love getting into character, much in the same way that an actor does, before I begin to write. I imagine myself as the character in the particular situation that they’re in and then let it go from there.
  1. What’s your favorite item on your writing desk?

My pen, whichever pen it is that day (I change pens nearly every day, rotating my collection—and I’ve got a very large collection!)

  1. What’s your favorite genre and why?

To write, definitely Regency romance and I love the magical world I’ve created so adding in that touch of magic is loads of fun (imagining the possibilities). To read, I switch back and forth between Regency romance, urban fantasy and mystery. Every so often, I’ll read something with a more literary bent just to be different (I recently finished reading The Thirteenth Tale, boy was that fun!)

  1. Any advice you have for a blossoming author?

Read. Write. Honestly, those are the two things that all new authors need to do. They need to read widely in every genre and they need to write every day because writing is like a muscle, it gets stronger the more you work it.

  1. When you’re not writing, how do you spend your time?

I love to knit while watching sports on t.v. And at least once a week, if not more, I’ll go for a long walk either through the city where I live or I’ll find a lovely park to walk through.

  1. Anything else you’d like to share with your readers?

I love connecting with readers. I love talking with them, exchanging ideas on what makes a story fun to read and hearing about what they liked and didn’t like in mine. So, please don’t be shy, write to me! Or stop by my Facebook page and say ‘hi!’.

Meredith Bond’s Books

The Children of Avalon Trilogy

The Merry Men Quartet

The Storm Series

Teasers LOB

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MB an exotic heir teaser MB Teaser

Character Interview – Sir Arthur Dagonet

Where are you from?

A small village in England, close to the Welsh border.

What do you want from life?

To escape from it. I’ve been alive for too many years (over 1000). Enough’s enough. Too many people I’ve loved have died and I’d like to be able to join them.

Could you describe yourself to me? Physically?

I’m nearly six-feet tall (I considered very tall for my time, I’ll have you know) and weight about 13 stone. I’ve got red hair, green eyes, and, if I may be so bold, not a bad physique—especially for one as old as I. In other words, I keep fit. It helps that I’m a knight and try to keep up my fighting skills. Arthur always did insist that we train regularly and I’ve kept up the habit throughout my life—er, that’s King Arthur, naturally.

If you were granted three wishes, what would you ask for?

Well, first of all to die, or at the very least have this blasted curse, er, I mean, gift of Merlin’s removed. It’s what keeps me alive, you know, and has gotten rather, er, well, tiresome. If I could have the first, I would wish to be content with my life. I can’t say that I am just at the moment, I’m sad to say. It’s not an easy life I lead, travelling around the world searching for a way to remove this curse. Oh, I see a great deal of the world. I mean fascinating people. Don’t misunderstand, I love being an explorer, I just wish that I didn’t have this weight hanging over me. And finally, I would wish for others to be content. There are too many people unhappy with their lot in life. I try to help when I can, but, well… there’s only so much one man can do, don’t you know?

In your relationship with others, how are you different with family than you are with friends? Why?

Well, don’t have family any more, now, do I? They’re all dead or moved on. Stopped keeping in touch with the descendants after a while. Got too difficult, don’t you know. Too many of them and, well, it’s not very pleasant building up a relationship only to have that person die while I lived on. I’ve had enough funerals to attend in my life. I try to keep my distance now from both family and friends. Stay away from close relationships all together.

How do you fall in love? At first sight? Over a long period?

Ah, what a question! I’ve only fallen in love a few times in my life, if you can believe it. She has to be a very special person. I’m not attracted to your ordinary miss. No, I need someone strong, intelligent and clever. Lady Morgan quite ruined me for other women, don’t you know? She is absolutely the ideal of womanhood in my opinion. Beautiful, strong, determined. Knows what she wants and is able to hold her own in either a physical fight, a magical one or an intellectual debate. By God, but she’s magnificent! Er, sorry, got a bit carried away there. Anyway, the women I have fallen in love with have all been like that. Been married twice, now, you know. Both incredible women. Now as to the speed with which I fell in love, well, it really depends on how quickly I get to know someone. If I get to know her quickly—and she is all that I admire in womanhood—I imagine it could happen quite quickly. If it takes me some time to get to know, well, then slowly.

Describe your ideal mate.

Oh, er, I believe I answered that one in your last question. Sorry about that.

What parts of loving come easy for you? Hard?

Well, taking that leap, I suppose. It’s difficult to trust someone with your most closely held secrets and telling others that I don’t die, well, it’s not something I go bragging about, don’t you know? And then there’s the whole business of my looking for a way to put an end to that. Not an easy topic to confide to someone. So, er, trust. Trust is difficult. And, er, not being overly protective. I’m a knight you know. Been well drilled into me to protect the damsels, wot, wot? So here I am falling in love with a strong woman who is well able to protect herself and there I am trying to protect her. Doesn’t always go over very well, you know. Had problems with that, I have to say. The actual loving part, well, hah! That part comes easily.

When you walk into a room, what do you notice first? Second?

Anything that can be used as a weapon. Always got to be prepared. I’m also very aware of the people in the room, who they are and what they’re capable of.

What really moves you, or touches you to the soul?

Kindness. People caring for other people.

What do you consider are your strengths?

My fighting skills are top, naturally. I’m also quite proud of my ability to adapt with the times and learn new skills. It’s vitally important for someone who doesn’t die, don’t you know?

What do you consider are your weaknesses?

It’s not easy not forming relationships. Keeping myself distant is difficult. If I don’t, though, I know I’m going to be hurt when they die and I don’t.

What is one physical attribute you are proud of?

I’m rather fond of my red hair. It’s always a shame when it turns white with age, but even then my hair stays full and thick. Quite proud of that.

What one physical attribute would you change?

My height, I suppose. When I was young I was one of the tallest fellows around. Now-a-days men grow so much taller. Makes me feel quite short.

What’s the most important thing in your life? What do you value most?

Nothing really. I’ve deliberately arranged my life so that I’m not attached to anything.

How do you feel about your life right now? What, if anything, would you like to change?

Well, as I mentioned, I’m trying to put an end that. Don’t need to go into that unpleasantness again, do I? Sorry, but it is a source of endless frustration for me. Been travelling the world for the past four hundred years trying to find a way out of this endless cycle. Haven’t found it yet.

What are you most afraid of?

Going on like this forever. Honestly, it scares me more than anything you could imagine.

Thank You April Holthaus Party

Thank you, Meredith for visiting. It was such a joy to spotlight you on the blog this week.

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About Janet Greaves

Book Editor and Author Assistant En Pointe Editing Services
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